21 November 2019_Groundwater Prospecting using Geophysical Techniques

Training course “Groundwater Prospecting using Geophysical Techniques During this training,  an expert in Geophysics has presented a theoretical training on the different methods of geophysical prospecting applied to groundwater exploration. After that, practical fieldwork was made using the geophysical instrument “Electrical Resistivity Tomography ERT system 2D/3D. Event Organizer(s): PEER_ESIM Event Date(s) : 21 November 2019 Participant…

12&13 Novembre 2019 Summer School “Use of GIS, Remote Sensing and Geostatistical tools in groundwater potential Mapping”

Summer School “Use of GIS, Remote Sensing and Geostatistical tools in groundwater potential Mapping”  During  two days :                                                        Three theoretical lectures are presented about the (i) Application of GIS, Remote Sensing & Geostatistical Tools in Groundwater Potential Mapping (ii) Presentation of Frequency Ratio Model (iii) Application of Frequency Ratio Model on groundwater mapping Practicle exercices…

28 October 2019_Training Course for young entrepreneurs

Training Course for young entrepreneurs on groundwater quality monitoring During this training, a theoretical presentation about groundwater quality monitoring systems was presented to the future entrepreneurs in the field of renewable energy applications and eco-sustainable farming practices. Then, a field visit was organized in order to show them the groundwater sampling methodologies in situ, afterward,…

10_11 April 2019_Intensive workshop in the data management using Machine Learning Models

Intensive Training Course “Data management using Machine Learning models (flood, groundwater…)” During this training,  an expert in GIS has presented a theoretical advanced training and practicle exercices on the application of Machine Learning  Algorithms on the water data management using ARCGIS, Weka SAGA GIS & SPSS softwares  Event Organizer(s): PEER_ESIM Event Date(s) : 10 & 11…