Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA)

The Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA) is responsible for carrying out the following missions:

  • Ensure the promotion of agricultural research within the framework of the general policy of the State in this field, by ensuring the link between the Agricultural Research and Higher Education establishments on the one hand and the agricultural extension and the producers on the other hand ;
  • Develop agricultural research programs and the budgets necessary for their implementation, monitor the implementation of these programs and ensure their evaluation while ensuring coordination and complementarity between Research and Higher Education establishments in the fields agricultural;
  • Ensure that Agricultural Research and Higher Education Establishments are at the service of agricultural production and development.

Website link:

General Directorate of Water Resources (DGRE)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fishing is mainly responsible for managing the public domain, mobilizing and developing water resources, water management projects, and agricultural water withdrawals, in addition to providing water resources for domestic and other uses. The following are the main sections within the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fishing that play major roles in the management of water resources:



  • General Administration of Rural Engineering and Water Exploitation (DGGREE);
  • General Administration of major dams and water works (DGBGTH)
  • General Administration of creating and maintaining agricultural land (DGACTA)
  • Hydraulic balance and planning circuit (BPEH)
  • Northern Channel and Pipe Exploitation Company (SECADENORD).
Regional Commissariat for agricultural development (CRDA)

The Regional Commissariat for agricultural development (CRDA) occurred in the first stage as per the decree No. 847 of 1974 of September 4, 1974 related to the creation of the regional delegations for agricultural development at the Ministry of Agriculture, and then in a second stage, according to Law No. 44 of 1989 of March 8, 1989 related to the creation of delegates. It is an institution that monitors the implementation of the development policy for the agricultural sector in the governorate of Bizerte and includes a public administration, 5 departments, 15 departments and 10 cells.

Our Associate Partners Are: 

  • The Regional Commissariat for agricultural development (CRDA) of Bizerte

Website link:

Facebook link:

  • The Regional Delegations for Agricultural Development of Ariana

Website link:

  • The Regional Delegations for Agricultural Development of Mannouba

Facebook link:

Regional Center for Remote Sensing oh North African States (C.R.T.E.A.N)

CRTEAN is a regional organization established on October 6, 1990, after the signing of the Constitutive Act of five member countries of North African States, (Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya). Egypt and Sudan joined CRTEAN later.

Headquartered in Tunis, CRTEAN has all the privileges and immunities of international organizations.

For More details :

IAH_Tunisian Chapter

The Tunisian Committee of Hydrogeology CTH (Tunisian Committee of Hydrogeology TCH) is the Tunisian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH / AIH). It is a scientific and educational association for scientists, engineers, water managers and other professionals working in the fields of planning, management and protection of groundwater resources. It was founded in 1956 and has become a global member of more than 4,000 members. The CTH is registered with the Water and Development Association (AED). Tunisians join the IAH from now on through the CTH, which will be responsible for managing the membership of Tunisian members and promoting contacts and cooperation.

See more details :


The Development, Environment & Heritage Association is a non-Governmental organization lead by young researchers and professional in the Environment and Heritage field.

It’s mission are:

-Promote collective awareness of the need to preserve natural and environmental resources and heritage;

-Try to find solutions to environmental problems throughout the territory;

-Support, promote and revive material and non-material heritage and integrate it more and more into modern life;

-Enrich cultural life by contributing to cultural and social work;


For more details see:

Agricultural Development Groupes (GDA)

The “agricultural development groups” (Groupements de développement agricole (GDA) are today the main formal mechanisms for user participation in water management in Tunisia, but they are involved only in the supply and management of drinking water systems in rural areas. 

The GDAs are responsible for water quality and conservation, and they have a management contract with the government.

Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development

The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) is a French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. It is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) founded in 1984, with its Head Office in Paris. 

Main activities:
– Research in interaction with field projects.
– Services to researchers and farmers in warm regions (tropical disease identification, choice of control methods, varietal breeding, wood analyses, foodstuffs).
– Expertise: project design and assessment, and national and international agricultural research policy support.
– Training: the centre receives more than 800 researchers and technicians each year.
– Scientific and technical information: publishing journals, books and CD-ROMs..